Their Life. Your Hands.

Elsenham has 4 defibrillators to use on a person in cardiac arrest.

A defibrillator is situated outside Elsenham Surgery Station Road CM22 6LA.

another is

outside Elsenham Memorial Hall (opposite the Tennis Court) CM22 6BY

another is

on the wall of the shop outside the enterance to the North-bound  Railway platform CM22 6HA


on the wall of the show house at the Bloor Homes site  Crocus Drive CM22 6ZB

Dial 999 if you see a person collapsed.

The call handler will know there is a defibrillator nearby, and will give you the code to open it.

Use it, and help make a difference between life and death.


Help will be on its way.


For more details please contact Ray:


Please click for more information and to watch a video on the London Ambulance website



Defrib station

Defrib Bloor