Elsenham Scarecrow Festival 2020 took place on 17th, 18th & 19th July 2020
This years Village Fete day was cancelled for obvious reasons.
However, we have come to realise (and some of us always knew!), that in Elsenham, we have an amazing community and wouldn’t it be great to do something that will bring us all together (whilst staying safe & socially distanced)?
So, one of our wonderful fete committee (you know who you are!!) came up with the fabulous idea of having a Scarecrow Festival.
Our idea is for the scarecrows to be made of ‘stuff’ that you have around your home and no longer need and for you to recycle these materials into your scarecrow!
It doesn’t have to be a person, it could be an animal or a robot or an alien, in fact anything you would like it to be.
They will then be displayed outside your house over the Festival weekend and villagers can walk or drive or however they want to travel around the village and see them and enjoy everyone’s efforts.
Who knows, if the lockdown has eased, folk may even be able to have a stall outside their house too, but at the moment, we are just running with the Scarecrow Festival.
So, put this date on your calendar and get rummaging, saving, upcycling, imagining and most importantly, creating! There are lots of ideas on the internet too if you need help.
If you have any queries or there are any ideas you would like to share, then please get in touch with us on elaine.terry2011@btinternet.com
Let’s make this another Elsenham event to remember!