Summer Fete

Elsenham Village Fete 2024

Saturday 22 June 2024
13:00 to 21:00

Saturday 22nd June 2020 on Elsenham Playing Field  1pm

As plans start to come together for the fete we would like to put a call out to anyone in the village who would like to help on the day.

There are lots of ways you can get help – maybe by joining us in our monthly brain storming sessions, helping to organise certain aspects of the fete, by running a stall, helping to set up on the big day or by giving us some fresh ideas of what you would like to see at our fete – take your pick. You can help in a big way or as little as you feel conformable with – any help is much appreciated.

Please do get in touch and join us in putting on this brilliant event for our village. Whatever you can do, we’d love to hear from you.

Please email Laura:

It’s a busy day, it’s hard work – and it is lots and lots of fun!

As always those fabulous Classic Cars will be back.We still need more unusual cars (& motorbikes & penny farthings would be welcome), so if you have one and wish to show it off please feel free to bring it along, it is always a welcome event with fete-goers. If anyone has a vehicle they would like to bring along please get in touch – the more the merrier!

Fete Cars


This event takes place on Elsenham playing field and in the Memorial Hall.

Note! The Parish Council has byelaws prohibiting dogs on the playing field, so please leave them at home (and don’t tell them where you’re going!) 


Contact laura
Elsenham Playing Field
(view map)
Cost £1 per adult